Source code for expecto.core

import warnings

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.units import UnitsWarning
from import fits
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from specutils import Spectrum1D

__all__ = [

phoenix_base_url = (

phoenix_wavelength_url = (

phoenix_model_temps = np.concatenate([
    np.arange(2300, 7100, 100), np.arange(7000, 12200, 200)

phoenix_model_logg = np.arange(0, 6.5, 0.5)

phoenix_model_alpha = np.arange(-0.2, 1.4, 0.2)

phoenix_model_z = np.concatenate([
    np.arange(-4, -1, 1), np.arange(-2, 1.5, 0.5)

class OutsideGridWarning(AstropyUserWarning):
    Warning for when there is no good match in the PHOENIX grid

def validate_grid_point(T_eff, log_g, Z, alpha, closest_params):
    temp_out_of_range = (
        T_eff > phoenix_model_temps.max() or T_eff < phoenix_model_temps.min()
    logg_out_of_range = (
        log_g > phoenix_model_logg.max() or log_g < phoenix_model_logg.min()
    z_out_of_range = (
        Z > phoenix_model_z.max() or Z < phoenix_model_z.min()
    alpha_out_of_range = (
        alpha > phoenix_model_alpha.max() or alpha < phoenix_model_alpha.min()
    out_of_range = [
        temp_out_of_range, logg_out_of_range, z_out_of_range, alpha_out_of_range

    if np.any(out_of_range):
        warn_message = (
            f"{np.count_nonzero(out_of_range):d} supplied parameters out of the"
            f" boundaries of the PHOENIX model grid. Closest grid point has "
            f"parameters: {closest_params}"
        warnings.warn(warn_message, OutsideGridWarning)

def get_url(T_eff, log_g, Z=0, alpha=0):
    Construct an FTP address from a temperature, log g, metallicity, alpha.
    closest_temp_index = np.argmin(np.abs(phoenix_model_temps - T_eff))
    closest_grid_temperature = phoenix_model_temps[closest_temp_index]

    closest_logg_index = np.argmin(np.abs(phoenix_model_logg - log_g))
    closest_grid_logg = phoenix_model_logg[closest_logg_index]

    closest_alpha_index = np.argmin(np.abs(phoenix_model_alpha - alpha))
    closest_grid_alpha = phoenix_model_alpha[closest_alpha_index]

    closest_Z_index = np.argmin(np.abs(phoenix_model_z - Z))
    closest_grid_Z = phoenix_model_z[closest_Z_index]

    closest_params = dict(

    # Give a warning if the input parameters are outside of the PHOENIX grid
    # parameter ranges:
        T_eff, log_g, Z, alpha, closest_params

    if closest_grid_Z > 0.25:
        z_sign = '+'
        z_sign = '-'

    if closest_grid_alpha > 0.1:
        alpha_sign = '+'
        alpha_sign = '-'

    directory_term = (
        'Z' + z_sign + '{Z:1.1f}'

    metallicity_term = (
        z_sign + '{Z:1.1f}'

    if closest_grid_alpha != 0:
        alpha_term = (
            'Alpha=' + alpha_sign + '{alpha:1.2f}'

        directory_term += '.' + alpha_term
        metallicity_term += '.' + alpha_term + '.'
        metallicity_term += '.'

    url = (
        phoenix_base_url +
        directory_term +
        '/lte{T_eff:05d}-{log_g:1.2f}' +
        metallicity_term +
    return url

[docs] def get_spectrum( T_eff, log_g, Z=0, alpha=0, cache=False, vacuum=True ): """ Download a PHOENIX model atmosphere spectrum for a star with given properties. Parameters ---------- T_eff : float Effective temperature. The nearest grid-point will be selected. log_g : float Surface gravity. The nearest grid-point will be selected. Z : float Metallicity. The nearest grid-point will be selected. alpha : float Alpha element abundance. The nearest grid-point will be selected. cache : bool Cache the result to the local astropy cache. Default is `False`. vacuum : bool If `True`, return wavelengths in a vacuum, otherwise return for air. Returns ------- spectrum : ~specutils.Spectrum1D Model spectrum """ url = get_url( T_eff=T_eff, log_g=log_g, Z=Z, alpha=alpha ) with, cache=cache) as fits_file: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UnitsWarning) header = fits_file[0].header flux_unit = u.Unit(header['BUNIT']) fluxes = fits_file[0].data * flux_unit wavelengths = get_phoenix_wavelengths(cache=cache, vacuum=vacuum) # only return wavelengths > 0: positive_wavelengths = wavelengths > 0 # specutils requires that we sort the wavelengths: sort_wavelengths = np.argsort(wavelengths[positive_wavelengths]) return Spectrum1D( flux=fluxes[positive_wavelengths][sort_wavelengths], spectral_axis=wavelengths[positive_wavelengths][sort_wavelengths], meta=header )
def get_phoenix_wavelengths(cache=True, vacuum=True): """ Download a PHOENIX model atmosphere's wavelength grid Parameters ---------- cache : bool Cache the result to the local astropy cache. Default is `True`. vacuum : bool (optional) Return vacuum wavelengths, otherwise air. Returns ------- wavelengths : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelength array grid in vacuum wavelengths """ with, cache=cache) as fits_file: wavelengths_vacuum = fits_file[0].data # Wavelengths are provided at vacuum wavelengths. For ground-based # observations convert this to wavelengths in air, as described in # Husser 2013, Eqns. 8-10: sigma_2 = (10**4 / wavelengths_vacuum)**2 f = ( 1.0 + 0.05792105/(238.0185 - sigma_2) + 0.00167917 / (57.362 - sigma_2) ) wavelengths_air = wavelengths_vacuum / f if vacuum: return wavelengths_vacuum * u.Angstrom return wavelengths_air * u.Angstrom